This study aims to: (1) find out the process of land acquisition of telecommunication towers, (2) make solutions in government regulation in telecommunication tower licensing process, (3) to know the height and shape of development of telecommunication tower. This research was conducted with qualitative approach at PT. TanjungMuliaMakarti (TMM) Area East Java. Methods of data collection through observation and in-depth interviews. Technical analysis of data used is SWOT Analysis by showing aspects of IFAS and EFAS.The results showed that to facilitate the outflow of financial flows need to make the budget team. Increase motivation, discipline, and productivity in work so that all parties work seriously and professionally to advance TMM. Perform wider distribution of production to other places of sale. Approach personally to the operators and employees of the importance of quality of production. Providing motivation to employee morale about the discipline of each work so that production run on time and on target as planned before. Grow the confidence of employees and all parties in TMM to their ability to face challenges and tough competition and conditions that will be challenging for all parties to improve or advance their business independently by developing various ways, listening to outside input, The new, and also utilize the existing technology amid increasingly fierce competition and increasingly difficult conditions. Increase insights by exchanging ideas with other employees, either with internal employees, or with other outside employees working in other similar businesses, collaborating with reliable suppliers of production materials to get discounts on material purchases as well as quality materials, ongoing development constantly in marketing.
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